
Corporate savings

A personal approach to corporate savings

A savings account may be a better place for your cash than your business current account. Even if you only want to invest for a short period, we may have an account that suits.

Once you’ve chosen your savings account, speak to your account manager

You may want your savings to form part of a long term financial strategy. Your account manager will be happy to have a wider conversation about your finances, listening to your needs, circumstances and goals, and bringing in other experts if required.

Our savings accounts

Instant Access Account

A flexible way to save. Easy access to your funds, and no minimum deposit or limit to the amount you can save.

Notice Deposit Accounts

Our 10 day and 35 day notice deposit accounts give you higher interest rates.

Fixed Term Desposits

Lock your money away for longer, but enjoy a higher, guaranteed interest rate. You can choose your term.

Compare our accounts

Account Minimum you need to open this account Maximum you can save When we pay interest Taking your money out Can be managed online? When you can pay money in
Instant Access Account £0 No limit Monthly Instant access, any time Yes Any time you like
10 Day Notice Deposit Account £5,000 No limit Monthly / quarterly You need to give us 10 days' notice Yes Any time you like
35 Day Notice Deposit Account £5,000 No limit Monthly / quarterly You need to give us 35 days’ notice Yes Any time you like
Fixed Term Deposits £250,000 No limit When your agreed term matures You agree your term with us at account opening. No early withdrawals permitted No, but you can view your balance No further payments allowed after opening