Customer testimonials about Hull Hesslewood

What our customers say about us.

Customer testimonials

en glad man och andra personer i bakgrunden

"Doing business with the team at Handelsbanken in Hull has been a return to the way banking used to be 10 years ago when managers were empowered to make their own local decisions. The ability to take a practical view has been totally refreshing and, in my opinion, sets them apart from the high street banks. Furthermore, by working closely with local professionals they were able to respond quickly to ensure that a deal was turned around extremely promptly. I would have no hesitation in recommending Handelsbanken to other property landlords."

Corporate Banking customer

"Banking with Handelsbanken has been a refreshing and positive experience for my family and I. Unlike most banks, Handelsbanken look at your individual requirement and provide support and advise based on that, rather than giving you a generic, computerised answer. My children found this to be a big bonus when looking for their first mortgages.”

Individual Banking customer